Mount Kenya
Safari Club, Nanyuki, Kenia Aus der Werbung:
"High on the slopes of Africa's second highest mountain, The Mount Kenya Safari Club straddles
the Equator in a glory of luxurious cottages and elegant buildings set amid manicured lawns and
decorative ponds. Ever since the Club was founded in 1959 by the late film star William Holden,
eccentric American Ray Ryan, and Swiss financier Carl Hirschmann, it has been a Mecca for the
international jet set - its list of members reads like a Who's Who of royalty, aristocracy, and the
rich and famous. Whether visiting Kenya at a leisurely pace or stopping simply for lunch, the Mount
Kenya Safari Club maintains an immutably majestic presence and is a touching reminder of the vision of
its creators."
am Äquator. Vergrößerungen: , , , & .
und Hauptgebäude. Vergrößerungen: , , , & .
wird Ihnen die Serviette auf den Schoß gelegt, und Kinder sind in diesem Raum nicht erwünscht: Der
Speisesaal. Vergrößerungen: , , , & .
im Raum #39. Vergrößerungen: , , , & .